Growing mole on the face or other body parts is a normal thing to happen in human skin. Moles are generally harmless. However, there might moles develop into skin cancer.
Specialist Doctors Dermatology Rachel Juanda revealed, characteristics of dangerous moles can be seen with the formula A (Asymmetric), B (Border), C (Colour), and D (Diameter).
"If moles are harmless clear spherical shape. If you need to be suspected skin cancer, asymmetrical shape," Rachel said in a media discussion in Bunda Hospital Jakarta, Friday (01/15/2016).
Then B is a boundary or border mole. Moles normally have a clear boundary, while potentially cancer is not, like spotting. In terms of color, skin cancer is suspected if the color of the mole is more than one, such as black and brown. For diameter, moles are harmless usually small and are not enlarged.
Oncology Surgery Specialists Afrimal Syafarudin adds, changes in moles should be aware.
Afrimal also said that moles can appear as a child or as an adult. So, no need to worry if a new mole growing on the face and body.
"Suspecting cancer, such as moles that had no hair, then fall, then bleed. It's called pre-cancerous lesions," said Afrimal.
If it appears one of the characteristics of the suspected cancerous mole, immediately see a doctor. To ensure skin cancer or not, according to Afrimal biopsy can be performed.