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Interested Sex with Animals Not Always Considered Disorders

  Dramaqi       21/12/2015

Someone who prefers to have sex with an animal also called the Zoophilia. Although these behaviors are often considered abnormality or disorder, but actually it is a natural person's sexual orientation.

A person's sexual orientation basically varies, some like the opposite sex (heterosexual), the same sex (homosexual), or there are excited to see certain things, including love animals.

"Man is actually sexual omni alias anywhere can. There are even people who climbed libido view of the bridge. So anyone who is married to a tree or a dog," said Hasan Sp.BS Dr.Roslan Yusni doctor who is familiarly called Ryu.

However, according to Dr.Ryu, it's normal or not sexual orientation is morally constrained by humans.

"Sexual orientation man is a variation of the brain that is affected by many things. What happens when brain development in the womb, for example, certain hormones are higher, infection, and so took effect on one's sexual orientation," said doctors who examined the brain works,

Because sexual orientation is an innate talent or inclination since birth, according to Dr.Ryu, somewhat difficult to change it. "Some people are happy salty, sweet, or sour, it's a tendency, nothing needs to be changed," he said.

He said, in modern psychological science since the 1980s, whose sexual orientation is different is no longer considered a disorder.

"Called the disorder that is concerned annoyed. Besides that, a lot of it does not mean that is normal. For example, if most people nose aquiline whether the pug was not normal? In a population of heterosexuals, there must be the offspring homosexual, is simply a matter of variation alone, "he added.

Back to the tendency to have sex with animals, according to Dr.Ryu, it could be a problem if it is done in a country that has animal protection laws.

"If there are laws that conduct could be considered a crime," he said.

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