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Bromo Kasada ceremony Held at This Weekend

  Dramaqi       31/07/2015

MOUNTAIN Bromo in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java province, is one of the famous tourist destination in the world. This mountain has a unique panoramic view of beautiful and mystical that thrusts a different atmosphere than any other mountain.
Here unfolds the beauty of the landscape pegununangan with smoke rising from the crater and below it there are vast sea of ​​sand menggelilinginya. Photos panorama of Mount Bromo has graced many travel magazines, newspapers, travel websites, post card, up tourism brochures.
Views of the sunrise and sunset here is truly amazing and its beauty can not be found elsewhere in the world. Tourists from various countries come to Bromo to enjoy the beauty that radiates seems to never-ending.
Around Bromo to the top of the mountain in Pananjakan not met greenery besides shrubs. Mount Bromo mesh between valleys and canyons with the caldera or the ocean of sand of approximately 5250 hectares at an altitude of 2392 m above sea level.
In addition to its natural beauty is amazing, it Bromo has cultural appeal, namely Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo held every month Kasada day-14 in the traditional lunar calendar Hindu Tengger. This ceremony is a god or offerings to Sang Hyang Widhi and the ancestors, especially Roro Anteng (daughter of King Majapahit) and Joko Seger (Son Brahmin).

This traditional ceremony held in Pura Luhur Poten, right at the foot of Mount Bromo, at midnight to early morning. Tengger tribe's traditional ceremonies aimed at raising the shaman or healer that exist in every village in the vicinity of Mount Bromo. In this festival Tengger tribe would throw offerings of vegetables, chickens, and even money to the crater of the volcano.

Bromo Tengger tribe was known to be sticking to the old Hindu customs and traditions that guide their lives. The existence of this tribe are also highly respected by residents living around including applying a very honest and not jealous.

According to local people, it is believed that the tribes are descended Roro Anteng perch, which is a daughter of the king of Majapahit and Joko Seger, the son of a Brahmin. Regional language they use daily is the ancient Javanese language. They have no caste language, very different to the Java language that is used commonly with the level of language.

The origin of the name is taken from the Tengger tribe last name Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger. Both build settlements and ruled in Tengger region was later named as Purbowasesa Mangkurat Ing Tengger or means "Lord of the Tengger Budiman".


Before the ceremony held Kasada Bromo, prospective shamans and healers will prepare some of the offerings to be presented in a way tossed into the crater of Mount Bromo. Offerings offerings is done a few days before the ceremony. They also have to go through tests in advance mantra recitation during the ceremony before passed and raised by traditional elders.
The role of the shaman or healer badi Tengger tribe is very powerful because it is believed to cure various diseases and problems experienced by the community. The physician can recite ancient Hindu mantras.
Tengger tribe is Hindu old and not as Hindus in general who have temples as places of worship. To do worship then they will do so in the staircase, danyang and potent. Potent itself is a piece of land in a sea of ​​sand at the foot of Mount Bromo as the venue for the ceremony Kasada. Potent consists of several buildings arranged in a composition in the yard which is divided into three mandala.

Right on the eve of the 14th month Kasada, Tengger tribe would together carry offerings of livestock and agriculture to Pura Luhur Poten and wait until midnight when the shaman ordained elders. Next, prepared offerings brought to the top of the crater of the mountain to be thrown into the crater as a symbol of the sacrifices made by our ancestors.
For Tengger tribe, the offerings were thrown down Bromo crater as a form of vows or gratitude for livestock and agriculture are abundant. In the crater appeared to have waited many beggars and perch population living in the interior.
Interestingly they long ago had come here even deliberately set up temporary residence in the vicinity of Mount Bromo and hope to get ongkek-ongkek containing offerings of fruits, livestock, also money. Activities perched inland residents who are in the crater of Mount Bromo you can see from the evening until noon the day before the ceremony when Yadnya Kasada Bromo.If you are interested witness Bromo Kasada ceremony it is advisable to come before midnight because of hectic preparation for the shamans and the public. The public will be riding a motorcycle or private vehicles so as to make the road to the foot of the mountain is very jammed.
It can even make the vehicle in the gate can not come down. It should be noted also that another way down the mountain towards the need to hand in hand with a group of people to the temple. It was as if his own feared to be lost due to thick fog and limited visibility.
Bromo own Kasada ceremony has been held since the time of the kingdom of Majapahit and Mount Bromo is considered a sacred place. Mount Bromo is derived from Sanskrit which means Brahma or a major deity. Dynasty UB, queen blessed with a daughter named Roro Anteng. After growing up the daughter is married to a young man of caste Brahmin named Joko Seger.
BARRY KUSUMA Mount Bromo.Both then decided to stay and become the ruler of the kingdom of Majapahit in Tengger currently in decline and increasingly powerful influence of Islam in Java. After a long period of living together, they are very sad because it has not been blessed with children. Finally they were meditating on top of Mount Bromo and get a hint that their request would be granted on condition that their youngest child after birth have to be sacrificed to the crater of Mount Bromo.
Once blessed with 25 children, it is time the couple must sacrifice the youngest, they do not have the heart to do it. Finally, the angry god and bring the youngest child into the crater of Bromo. Arising from the son's voice so that their parents live quietly with his brothers. To honor the sacrifices made then every year the ceremony of offerings to the Bromo crater and continues to be passed down to the present.

Thanks for reading Bromo Kasada ceremony Held at This Weekend

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